
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 3: He's helped me be more flexible.

I'm a planner and I like structure.  I like knowing what is going to happen next.  I think it's important to stick to a schedule and be prompt. 

After 13 crop seasons with my farmer, I've learned that's all fine and good, but things happen and you have to adapt.  You can throw a tantrum or you can figure out what is really important and roll with it.

Like when a combine falls through a field bridge during harvest.  We may have lost a morning, but no one was hurt and no major damage was done to the combine. 

Or when your baby girl is due at the end of October and there is still corn to pick.  There are some things worth leaving the field for. 

Or when two Illinois schools play football in late September.  Who would choose harvest over the chance to tailgate at a Big 10 game, show their kids their campus, and gloat over their wife's team loosing?

Flexibility and farming go hand in hand.  For farmers' wives, too.  You still have to plan.  You still have to have the structure in place to deal with normal situations.  But you also have to keep your priorities in line so you can adapt appropriately when things come up.

In our 13 years, I've learned not to ask when he'll be home.  Instead I ask, "What are your plans for the night?"  I've learned not to make weekend plans from mid-September to Thanksgiving.  I've learned that there will be many fall sporting events I attend alone.  I've learned that my little family is part of a bigger operation and it's not only about us. 

This has helped me be more understanding and supportive in my personal and professional roles.  I am grateful (as are my co-workers).   

He's helped me be more flexible - One of the 30 reasons why I love being my farmer's wife.

Stay tuned for the 27 other things I love about my life on the farm and 27 more things that converted this Sycamore girl into a small town girl:).

And, check out my friend Holly's blog and the list of the other 30 day bloggers at 30 Days on a Prairie Farm.

Day One: Grandma Millie
Day Two: My Clean Car

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