
Saturday, March 28, 2009


I am not perfect. I never will be. But I like to try.

Neither will my gardens and that's why I love them. Each spring as the tulips begin to emerge, I start making plans. And, my gardens get bigger. Plants get moved around. Summer bulbs are purchased. Seed catalogs are scoured. This is all with the goal of finding the perfect balance in color, weight and texture. The perfect look to accent our farmhouse and yard.

This is so much like my life. My goal is balance: family, work, friends, God, housework, volunteer stuff. I need to remember, just like my garden, I am a work in progress. And, just like my garden, there will always be something to add, move around, rip out and split. I need to take time to enjoy the blessings in my life and accept what is happening in this season, because things will be different in the next.

As I experience the next two weeks of lent and prepare for the resurrection of Jesus, I hope I can remember that He was the only one to ever achieve perfection. And he accepts me anyway.

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